Doesn't matter if you are camping, hiking a trail or just walking around town - having carabiners is super handy. Whether its to attach and dry out a mug, string up a cord for a Basha or make a rope line to slide gear down, they have so many uses. Made from lightweight polymer you won't notice the extra weight in your pack. This also means they are not suitable for climbing or rescue operations.
Strictly for carrying extra gear outside of a pack you can't go past a set of these!
- 2 x Medium carabiner (35kg load rating)
- 1 x Large carabiner (50kg load rating)
- Lightweight polymer design
- Corrosion resistant stainless steel spring
- Large opening
- Made in Sweden
9cm L x 5.7cm W x 0.7cm H (external measurements)
5.5cm x 3cm (internal)
Manufacturer: Wildo
Weight: Approx 20g (3 pack)
Content: Polymer & metal parts
Colour: Black, Olive drab, Tan
Condition: New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our